
Friday, February 25, 2011

Biography Day

On Friday, Hayden had to give a report on the biography he had been reading about snowboarder Shaunean White.  Each 2nd grader read a chapter book about a person they wanted to learn more about.  Then, they had to dress up like that person and give an oral report in front of their classmates.  He did a great job giving his report!  I’m glad I snapped this picture when I did – he chickened out of wearing his red wig and ditched it before getting up in front of the class…my conservative little boy! 


Hayden…aka Shaun White


Have a great weekend!


2nd Grade Musical

The 2nd grade musical was last night.  It was titled “The Box” and was adorable.  It was about all the amazing and fascinating things kids can do with a box when they use their imagination.  Hayden’s class had to dress up as a fairy tale character, so he chose to be a knight. 

 IMG_8072 Sir Hayden

IMG_8080 So many cute characters!




They all did an awesome job!  It was such a fun night!

Thanks for stopping by!


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

9 Months Old


It’s hard to believe that our little girl is 9 months old already!  Her personality has really started to come through this month.  She has been showing us her feisty side, and she’ll definitely let you know if she’s not happy!

IMG_8003 Ready for spring in her bright colors

IMG_8006Showing off her “crib”


IMG_8008  Posing for the camera!  I think she learned that from her Aunt Mary!


IMG_8016 She loves her toothbrush and playing in her walker!



Getting into a little mischief!


IMG_8024Fun times!  I think it’s time to baby-proof!


IMG_8032 What is this?


IMG_8033 Almost got it…


IMG_8038There it is!


IMG_8045 Yummy!  Time to baby-proof the bows too!


IMG_8047 All this mischief wears a girl out!


Aren’t her socks too cute?  Our neighbor Dana brought them to the hospital the day Allie was born.  They were her first “girly” gift and the first gift with her inital!  I remember looking at those in the hospital and not believing that we actually had a girl and would be having PINK in our house!  Such fun memories! 

Allie’s 9 Month Stats:

  • Wears a size 3 diaper
  • Wears a size 2 or 3 shoe
  • Takes 2 naps a day
  • Weighs about 17 pounds (we’ll be going for her 9 month checkup at the doctor in a few days and will post the exact weight then)
  • She has really started to explore here lately.  I think she enjoys her mobility in the walker, which she just started to use.
  • She’s not crawling, but will roll to get where she wants to go.
  • She started pushing Kyle away when he gets in her face – which is quite often!
  • She really lets us have it when we take things away from her, especially her toothbrush and her brush.
  • As you can tell from the pictures, she has found her bow in her hair!  She can’t stand for it to stay there, though!

Have a great day!  Thanks for stopping by!


Monday, February 21, 2011


This past Saturday we had a great celebration dinner at Cantina Laredo in Nashville for two wonderful people!  First we wanted to help Ty’s Uncle Keith celebrate his upcoming birthday, and of course we wanted to celebrate Ty’s promotion at work!  I’m so proud of my hard-working husband!

IMG_0574  The two special guys!

IMG_0581Ty and Hayden

IMG_0579Kyle and his momma!


Bev and Zachary



Two crazy kids!


IMG_0570 Happy Birthday!



Keith, Jen and Allie


Have a great day!


First Lost Tooth!


Kyle lost his first tooth today!  It’s been loose for a couple of weeks, but today it was finally ready to come out!  He pulled it himself and was so proud of himself!  I’ll be interested in seeing what the Tooth Fairy brings him…it seems that Hayden got $5 for his first lost tooth!


Have a great day!


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Kyle’s Birthday Celebration!

We celebrated Kyle’s birthday for an entire week! His birthday was on the 4th, and his sleepover was a week later. Here are a few snapshots of our weeklong celebration!

IMG_7945On his birthday, he got to use the Red Plate on his special day! We had our traditional birthday breakfast of Krispy Kreme donuts!

IMG_7946 The Happy Birthday banner was ready and waiting to greet him!

IMG_0525 Allie and I joined him for lunch at school. Daddy couldn’t get off work to join us. Kyle was so proud to wear his birthday crown!


After school, Ty joined us at Sweet CeCe’s for frozen yogurt. The man sitting behind the boys heard us talking about Kyle’s birthday; and he said he was there celebrating his birthday, too!

IMG_0531 Kyle chose where we went for dinner, so of course we ended up at Chuck E. Cheese’s!

IMG_7954 The next week…the dessert table is set for his birthday party!

IMG_7957 IMG_7963

A few days before his party he decided he wanted Colts cupcakes. After calling around to every bakery in our area looking for Colts cupcake picks (with no luck!) I decided I could make some on the computer. Thankfully, he was very happy with them! Actually, Hayden said he wanted the exact same thing for his birthday!

IMG_7967Blowing out the candles!

IMG_7969 Pancakes for breakfast the next morning

It was a long weekend, but we had a blast!

Thanks for stopping by!


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Space Derby

Last Saturday Hayden’s Cub Scout Pack had a Space Derby.  A few weeks ago, we were given a kit to build his rocket from two pieces of wood, along with a few other parts for the propeller and wings.  Of course – we waited until Friday night to start building it – the same night Kyle had a sleepover to celebrate his birthday!  Aren’t we setting a great example?  Needless to say, we were up late that night gluing, sanding and painting his rocket.  Early Saturday morning the finishing touches were made – as we were trying to take care of the kiddos who spent the night and get out the door for his basketball game!  Talk about a stressful beginning to the weekend, but we did it to ourselves!  Remind me not to wait until the last minute next time!  Anyway, he was very proud of his finished product.  He had a great time racing his rocket.  It didn’t win any races, but it didn’t come in last either!


IMG_7982Showing off his rocket



Hayden and his buddy Jake


Getting ready to race



  And they’re off!


Second place in this heat!  We were just thankful that it actually moved!


Okay, the Pinewood Derby is in April.  We have the kit, now we just need to get started!

Have a great day!


Wordless Wednesday

Have a great day!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day! We had a busy, fun-filled day of class parties and Valentine treats!

Hayden is ready to exchange valentines with his classmates.

Kyle enjoying treats at his class party

Our smallest valentine!
Have a great day!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

6 Years of Birthdays!

Kyle turned 6 years old yesterday! It's hard to believe! It seems like only yesterday that we took this picture...
Hayden with his brand-new baby brother Kyle. February 4, 2005
1st Birthday!
2nd Birthday

3rd Birthday

4th Birthday

5th Birthday

6 Years Old!

We love you Kyle!
Have a great day!