
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Such a Little Lady!

Wonder where she learned to do that??? Not sure why the video loaded sideways....sorry!

Have a great day!


Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Last week was VBS at our church.  The theme this year was Pandamania.  The boys enjoyed spending time with their friends while doing crafts, learning about the daily Bible lessons, singing songs, playing games, dancing and having yummy snacks.  I taught the Bible lesson each day, while little Allie had fun in the nursery.  I’m so happy that we can all be involved in this great activity in our church.  I know in just a few short years the boys will think they are too old to go to VBS…gotta make these memories now while we can!



IMG_0809 The boys posing in front of Boomer – the week’s mascot.



Having fun playing games


Bible lesson on Creation


Kyle during the music program on the last day.


Hayden singing


This little girl was worn out!

We all had a great week!  It was tons of fun and so rewarding, but I sure was exhausted by the end of each day.

Have a great day!


Friday, June 10, 2011

Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!


I know it’s been over a month since my last post!  Between all the end-of-school year activities, our trip and VBS, I don’t feel like I have sat down for a minute!

Of course the first thing I wanted to share are pictures from Allie’s 1st Birthday party!  It’s hard to believe our little cupcake is already one!  This year sure has flown by!

I wanted to start out by showing a few pictures from when she was born…IMG_7133I think we were still in shock that we had a little girl!  We were both so certain that little boy #3 was to join our family!


DSC_0198Sweet Allie Elizabeth


Now, fast forward one year….

IMG_8455 Our little Princess!

IMG_8459 Checking out the candle!

IMG_8463 Ready to dig in!


IMG_8475She’s not afraid to dig into her sweets….just like her Momma and Grandma!


IMG_8441  Our family.  I’m laughing at this picture now.  Ty and I had been tanning to prepare for our Bahamas trip.  We look so unnaturally dark for both of us!


IMG_8444Granny and Allie


IMG_8451   Aunt Jen, Hayden, Papa, Kyle, Grandma, Allie and Aunt Mary


IMG_8425Fun decorations.  I loved the polka dot balloons!


IMG_8433Her smash cake made by Aunt Jen!


IMG_8420A high-chair fit for a princess!  I know it’s silly, but it was fun to finally have girly decorations after lots of boys’ parties!


IMG_0711   Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!  We love you!


Thanks for stopping by!
