
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Breakfast from the North Pole

Our elf, Dave, surprised the kiddos with a special breakfast one morning this week.  They awoke to find this waiting on them:





IMG_0025IMG_0029Not only did Dave bring breakfast, but he also brought 2 Elves-in-training!  The kids named them C.C. (short for Candy Cane) and Sam.

They were thrilled with our newest additions!

Have a great day!


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Little Turkeys

Allie’s Mother’s Day Out class had their Thanksgiving Feast last week.  We signed up to bring juice boxes.  Not just any old juice box would do.  We had to jazz them up a bit!  Here is what my littlest turkey contributed to the meal.


We had fun putting these together!  Here is the table all set for the sweet little ones. 

Allie's Class Feast

Happy Thanksgiving!


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Playing Catch-Up

We are enjoying the calm before the storm – that time period between Halloween and Thanksgiving, before the holiday madness begins.  Over the past few weeks we have wrapped up flag football seasons for both boys.  They thoroughly enjoyed themselves!






Hanging out at the football field.

IMG_1034 The Music City Miracles at Trivia Night – a fundraiser for the Athletic Booster Club at the boys’ school! 

penanceKyle celebrated his First Penance.  (Sorry for the not-so-great phone pictures.)


Kyle and one of his besties - K.  They were all smiles after their first Confession.  How wonderful it feels to have a clean slate!

In looking back at our pictures over the past few months, I came across some I failed to share:

Bev birthday 2012

Helping Granny celebrate her birthday.


Having fun at MTSU games with friends A & M.




Being silly at the zoo with friends from school.

That should get us up-to-date on our pictures.  Thanks for stopping by!@


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Fun

Oh, we had such fun tonight!  The kids were so excited.  Allie kept asking, “We go trick or treat?” all day long.  She finally “got it” this year.  The boys managed to make it through the school day and class parties, before the fun at home began. 


Ready to get going!

IMG_9779Sweet Little Ladybug


Volunteer Tyler Bray

IMG_9676Bronco Peyton Manning



IMG_9684 Allie’s Minnie Mouse pumpkin

IMG_9679Kyle’s gross pumpkin

IMG_9683 Hayden’s Colts pumpkin

IMG_9554-001  Our semi-spooky front porch.  The boys deemed that our porch was too babyish last year, so we tried to spook-it-up a bit more this year.

IMG_9693 Entry table

IMG_9762 Ready for Halloween dinner


Our menu: Mummy Dogs, Jack-O’Lantern oranges and Pumpkin Poop.  Not exactly a healthy meal, but it gets the kids to eat a little something before the sugar fest begins.

IMG_9690 Here are the newest members of the family.  I have had to eat my words, after saying I would NEVER have inflatables in the yard!  The things you do for your kids!  The boys were thrilled to come home from school to find these guys.

And that was our day.  Whew, I am one worn-out Mama!

Thanks for stopping by!


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Field Trip to Traveller’s Rest

Kyle’s class took a field trip to Traveller’s Rest in Nashville last week.  This was the home to Judge John Overton, who was a personal friend of Andrew Jackson.  The kids got to tour the home, visit a one-room schoolhouse and play games that children played long ago (before there were screens to distract them).  I love how both boys have had recent field trips that have taken them back to the same time period!  Read about Hayden’s trip here.

IMG_9561Learning to write with a quill pen.  It wasn’t easy, especially for my lefty.

IMG_9568 Ready to go to school.


Greeting the teacher.

IMG_9571Working on the “computer” of the time.

IMG_9580Playing a few games on the porch.



The kids and adults all enjoyed themselves.  I would definitely go back again!

Thanks for stopping by!


Monday, October 29, 2012

Boys' Day Out

Ty surprised the boys with tickets yesterday to the Titans game!  To say they were over the moon would be an understatement.  This was Kyle’s first NFL game.  Hayden had been once before with a friend and his family.  From all accounts, it sounds like they had a ball!  Unfortunately, the Titans didn’t win; but I don’t think it really mattered to them.  
I sent the camera with Ty and gave him the assignment of coming back with no less than 10 pictures.  This is what he brought back.  I’m thankful for the little things!  :)
Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween Through the Years

Halloween is a VERY popular holiday around our house!  The kids love dressing up, the candy (me too!) and all the fun that is involved. 

As part of our decorations each year, I pull out my Halloween picture frames which contain sweet memories of our little ones in their dress-up attire.  I love to look back and reminisce about how sweet they were each and every year.   Where do the years go?  It seems like only yesterday that we were thrilled to be spending our first Halloween as a family with this little guy…


2003 – Our first little pumpkin


2004 – Winnie the Pooh


2005 – Buzz Lightyear and our second little pumpkin


2006 – Batman and Robin (one of my favorite years)


2007 – Kyle’s first year as one of many community helpers, a firefighter.  Hayden’s first year as one of many Star Wars characters, Darth Vader.


2008 – Kyle’s next community helper, a police officer (with me as his prisoner).  Hayden’s next Star Wars character, Commander Cody.


2009 – Handy Manny and a Ninja


2010 – Kyle as a UPS man, Hayden as Jango Fett and Allie as our third little pumpkin.  Loved having each of the babies as a pumpkin their first year!


2011 – Kyle was a S.W.A.T. team member, Hayden was Mario and Allie was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.

Such sweet memories!  Can’t wait to share this year’s costumes in a few days!

Thanks for stopping by!
