I want to share just a sampling of the MANY pictures from our trip last week to Disney World. We had such an awesome time! We were so blessed to be able to share our kids’ first trip to Disney with our family. It sure was nice to have help from Granny, Grandma, Papa and Aunt Jen! Thanks guys!
It was truly exhausting, but well worth it! I wish I knew how many miles we actually walked each day…next time we go I need to remember to wear a pedometer!
This trip was full of “Firsts.” In addition to this being our first trip to the Happiest Place on Earth, the kids also took their first plane ride! To say they were beyond excited would be an understatement! Seeing their faces as we took off made the 6:30 am flight to Orlando worth it!
Be prepared…lots of pictures follow!

Ty and Kyle ready to take-off!

Ready to go! Notice the sunrise out the window! You’ll notice Allie sucking on her fingers a lot in the following pictures :)

We’re here!
Our first night there, we went to Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party. The kids got to wear their costumes, go trick-or-treating and watch a great parade.
Our cuties!
Ready for Day 2. Isn’t her shirt the cutest? Got it from Etsy shop
Giggles & Grins. Gotta love Etsy! Also, she never got the memo not to wear white shoes after Labor Day! :)
All Ears! Surprisingly, the kids actually wore their ears around the parks! I wasn’t expecting that…especially from Mr. Picky Kyle.
One of our many character sightings. The boys think they have outgrown watching Handy Manny, but they still wanted a picture with him.
Lunch at Sci-Fi Dine-In Theater at Hollywood Studios was fun! It was dark in there, hence Bev reading the menu with a flashlight.
Someone was WORN OUT! She never naps in her stroller, but she sure did during this trip!
On a Safari at Animal Kingdom.
She didn’t like having to sit still!
Hayden and Aunt Jen are ready to see animals!

We all survived the Safari!
Expedition Everest was my favorite! I hadn’t been on a roller coaster in years. The adrenaline junkie came out in me on this trip! Kyle may take after his mommy…he finally decided to ride Space Mountain on our last day. He loved it!
Our doorman at the French Quarter always had beads or coins to give the boys. They came home with quite a collection!
In the lobby of the resort

Enjoying the pool and waterslide.

Go Kyle!

Epcot was great, though we didn’t get to spend as much time there as we had hoped to.

Another one of little girl’s cute outfits. This one was also from an Etsy shop
Little Petunia Designs. I love being able to support Work-At-Home moms!

The boys LOVED the Lego Store in Downtown Disney. They were in Heaven!

It’s hard to believe Woody and Buzz are made completely out of Legos!

Allie and Grandma enjoying a ride on the carousel.

The boys showing off their new Disney pins bought for them by Granny.

Chef Mickey’s for breakfast. The boys loved seeing Mickey and friends in person. Allie, not so much. She enjoyed them from a distance, but as soon as they got close she lost it!

Donald & the boys!

Allie loved “It’s a Small World.” The boys weren’t super thrilled about it, but they toughed it out for their sister’s sake.

One last group picture!
We had an awesome time! Can’t wait to go back when Allie is a bit bigger!
Have a great day!