We celebrated Kyle’s birthday for an entire week! His birthday was on the 4th, and his sleepover was a week later. Here are a few snapshots of our weeklong celebration!
On his birthday, he got to use the Red Plate on his special day! We had our traditional birthday breakfast of Krispy Kreme donuts!
The Happy Birthday banner was ready and waiting to greet him!
Allie and I joined him for lunch at school. Daddy couldn’t get off work to join us. Kyle was so proud to wear his birthday crown!
After school, Ty joined us at Sweet CeCe’s for frozen yogurt. The man sitting behind the boys heard us talking about Kyle’s birthday; and he said he was there celebrating his birthday, too!
Kyle chose where we went for dinner, so of course we ended up at Chuck E. Cheese’s!
The next week…the dessert table is set for his birthday party!

A few days before his party he decided he wanted Colts cupcakes. After calling around to every bakery in our area looking for Colts cupcake picks (with no luck!) I decided I could make some on the computer. Thankfully, he was very happy with them! Actually, Hayden said he wanted the exact same thing for his birthday!
Blowing out the candles!
Pancakes for breakfast the next morning
It was a long weekend, but we had a blast!
Thanks for stopping by!